Sunday, August 31, 2008

Patience...... Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
pa·tience Audio Help /ˈpeɪʃəns/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pey-shuhns] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.
2. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.
3. quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.

This is a word that has never been used to describe me by anyone that knows me. The 15th of September...close? yes...but yet so damn far away.
I am so excited to move into our home. We finished picking out all of our interior colors last night so now I want to get in there and paint NOW. I can't wait for you all to see the beautiful.
Akai is a funny one...every time we have driven by the house she gets excited and starts sniffing like crazy...she smells the place on she and I spent a few hours there a couple days ago. We threw the ball, marked up the yard, drank some water, did some people watching and even took a short nap. She likes the house and yard...she is the decider in the family.
First thing we will do to the house is add on a prison-style top to the fence. Ottis has multiple scars on his stomach from years of escaping fences. The only thing that has worked is to have a top that is bent in with chicken wire and posts. That should scare anyone from building on the empty lot next to us.
We are going to leave the exterior of the house the way it is until next summer. We have a few ideas for paint though....duh. I have a friend that is a Leadville history buff and she is going to check on the historic paint of this house...if we like it then we will do that..if not...reds, yellows and oranges...Casa De Fuerte. The House of Fire.
Must get ready for work now...the dogs are about to eat me.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


We signed the papers to start us off today!!!...we move in sept 15th!!!!!!!!


So, this afternoon Sam and I are driving over to Dillon to sign the papers for our NEW HOME!!!! We are doing a lease option until we sell our is beautiful...we love it. Here are some pictures........

Here is the whole lot....the house, the aspens and the private parking where my car is (five spaces)
Close up of paint time!!
the view to town....
The back yard from the back fence
view from the porch...big yard

The Insides of Our Home

This is our living room
...another shot of the window detais....
The bay window
this is our front door/ mud room...equipt with hooks for coats and a basket for has a cute round window in it too...Our office from the front door...

More Inside Pics......

This is our office/ formal dining when family is here/walk thru to every room.....
This is the detail on one of our kitchen windows
The kitchen going out to the back yard

Kitchen facing the office

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

more pics.....

The One

Here it is...we absolutely love it. We are putting in an offer. It has everything we want. We talked to the realtor about different financing and living options. She said that we could rent our house out as soon as tomorrow if we wanted.....not to say that we are but it is a possibility. So, we could move into this house and rent ours out for at least as much as the mortgage and still have it on the market. We are also looking into a lease to own option with the owners of the house until we sell ours...for financing purposes. It is such a perfect lot...We can build a garage and have a HUGE yard for the dogs. It has a gas heater that we can switch to a wood burner with no problems and it has a claw foot tub. We shall keep you posted!!!!

Day Off

Wow...what a busy three weeks. I am so glad that the craziness of the 100 mile races is over. Today Sam and I are cleaning all the bad out of our house. I have been scrubbing the grout of all the tiles with a toothbrush and getting the muck off of the walls while Sam is industrial steam cleaning all of the carpet. The place is looking and smelling great, which makes both of us feel more confident about selling it. We have been looking at quite a few houses and are learning a lot about the process. We put an offer in on the first house we looked at, possibly a bit immature and impatient on my part...but I'm glad we did it...we have since terminated our contract due to a sketchy inspection and have seen the complete extremes of houses since. The market in Leadville is a funny one. Today we are looking at a CUTE little Nebraskan grandmas house on two city lots that is located a block from the main drag. It has original hardwood throughout. It is smaller than we have been looking at, but we are realizing we don't need much house space if it has the spaces we need and a HUGE yard.... This house is also quite a bit less expensive then the others. We have gotten some REALLY good ideas for yards and fencing with the money saved on house space we can do exactly what we want in our yard. We are very excited for the whole process and thrilled to buy a home that we really want. I'll take pictures of the one we look at today with my new camera I got for my birthday.....thank you again mom and dad!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

BIG DAY........

Well, today I payed off my car and signed up for a couple classes at CMC. Feels good...gotta run to work. Will try and write more later.