Sunday, July 8, 2007


O.K.....I called the shelter down in yuma. The guy that is in charge of adoption was so very unhelpful....I asked him if Einstein(the name would change) gets along well with other dogs and people. He said he wasn't sure because they don't socialize their animals at all. BUT (the dog) is getting transfered to a shelter in Phoenix in a week. I'm going to call them and see whats up from there.
I feel ill...I just checked my email to see if they had an update. The rescue in Phoenix fell through and they are going to "put him down" on wed. I left them a message asking them to call me so we can figure something out. I may be traveling a lot sooner then I thought. Please put out good thoughts for this little critter. See David, crusty IS cute.

1 comment:

jini said...

einstein is cute as well as smart, and i love his tail! good luck with the phone call jewlee! love you