Sunday, September 9, 2007

Coincidence...Oh I think Not

What a big day yesterday was. I woke up feeling confident and annoyed. Annoyed that I had let people bully me around for the last 6 months. I swear its like a fog cleared. I called Carol, Bobos' old owner and told her that her next visit on the 17th would be her last. I told her how terrible she had made me feel and that it was in Bobos best interest that they no longer come. She started to cry. I did not back down. I wasn't rude at all, I just stayed in control. I hung up with her and called the bitchy women at the offices I clean. They call me every other week or so to tell me how much I suck. So, I left them a message telling them that I do not suck and that actually since I have started more things get fixed and that their windows get cleaned now ...blah blah. I also said that I felt like we had gotten off on the wrong foot(feet) and couldn't we please start over?
That was just my morning. Sam and I went to the animal shelter in the afternoon...steph had told me about a chihuahua/pug mix that would be an "A" teamer but SO cute. She was right, adorable. But, I thought about it and decided no. Thats right, I thought something through. But, we found the perfect dog for Sam.....his name is Yeller. He is a beautiful, sweet hound. We are going to get him today. Akai is coming with, just to make sure they will get along. Such a big day...............Oh but there is more. Got home, went to my dog sitting job...noticed that one of my baby teeth that has been loose since the eighth grade was all of the sudden VERY loose. I pulled the sucker right out with little effort. I truly am growing up. heehheeee

1 comment:

jini said...

ok, who is writing this blog??? jk, i would show you the sign with my fingers, but you will just have to use your imagination!
i like your tying all this maturity to losing a baby tooth, but i think it all relates back to your birthday a year ago. :) you are standing up for yourself and feeling good about it. you are saying what you think without going off and then feeling guilty about it. you are a grown up woman and i am proud of you. so there. love you so much
ps....lots of luck finding that tooth fairy.