....Oh how I love
petfinder.com. Dogs as far as the eye can see. I have adopted quite a few dogs off of this web site. Now that I have 2 spots open on the "B Team" I have been actively searching. I will be on the east coast next week so that adds to the available dogs. Not to say that it would actually stop me from getting a dog back east if I wasn't already going out there.
There are two in N.Y. and about 4 in MA so far. This is the fun part, who makes the cut???
I guess I should explain the "B Team" thing since my sister has already explained it on her blog. O.K. ....the "A Team": young, active, healthy. The "B Team": No so much....They usually have health problems, sometimes medicated, blind, deaf, not so active...just looking for a place to live out their days.
So here the "A Team" roster and each of their stories..........
AKAI: Smaller Akita res. mix. I call her Puppy, unless she is in trouble. Puppy came from Ignacio, CO, off of the Ute Indian Reservation. The Animal Control found her running about when she was 5
wks old. She would sift through gravel with her teeth looking for food. I saw her on
petfinder.com at about 3:30pm and called down there RIGHT AWAY. I called every few seconds for the next half hour. They finally answered and said that someone else was very interested in her and that she would probably get adopted. I told them that I didn't care and that she would be mine. I got in my car and drove 3 hours to Wolf Creek Pass. I was 5 min too late to get
thru, they had closed the Pass for the night for road construction. F@%#*!!! So, I called the AC officer and told them I would be there first thing in the am when the pass opened. I could barely sleep at all that night. Finally at like 5:30 the pass opened and I drove the next hour and a half there. Her name was Wanda and she was truly disgusting. She had rolled in some sort of nasty dead animal and was then sprayed with cinnamon potpourri. I quickly named her Cinnamon Death. She had the worst case of worms I had ever seen. I instantly fell head over heals for her. Puppy was SO afraid of people, so I would have her come to work with me and she slowly started to come out and sniff people. You wouldn't know it now. She is SO social. She is going to be 2 in July and is still such a puppy. She is such a goof.
GUP: Pug. Ruby is the first small dog I got. She is who opened the doors for the rest and she knows it. I had always wanted a pug and always knew what her name would be. My friend
Steph used to run our local animal shelter. An elderly lady called one day from Red Cliff saying that she had a female fawn colored pug to bring to the shelter because she and her husband were too old to care for her anymore.
Steph told her not to worry that I would be right there to get her. WOW! Her name was Jordan (after Michael Jordan). She was HUGE! She weighed 45 lbs. when I got her. I bought her a very pretty "skinny jeans" collar to help her motivation and it must have worked because she now weighs 17 lbs and loves to run around and play. She was 3 when I got her and will be 5 in two months.
Miniature Pincsher/ Chihuahua mix. I call her Turkey. This sweet little girl was found on the front steps of our animal shelter in a card board box all duct taped up (the box was). She had just had a litter, but there weren't any puppies with her. I brought her home as a foster dog. I don't think she had ever been around people much and knew nothing of going out side to go potty. Also very afraid of people, she became my shadow and Ruby Gups bitch. She is a funny dog. All she wants is love, always. She is a cling-on and we love her.